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What is HashiCorp Vault
cloud agnostic
secrets management system- API Driven
- safely store and manage sensitive data in hybrid cloud environemts
- used to generate
dynamic short lived
credentials orencrypt
application data on the fly
Use Cases
- Secrets Management
- centrally store, access, and distribute secrets
- ex) KV secrets engine
- Encrypting Application Data
- keep application data secure with centralized key management
- ex) Encryption as a Service or Transit secrets engine
- Identity-based Access
- authenticate and access different clouds, systems, and endpoints using trusted identities
- ex) dynamic aws creds
Basic Vault CLI Commands
list of vault commandsvault version
vault read
read secrets from vaultvault write
write secrets to vault-h, -help, --help
get help for any command
Vault Server Modes
intended for development- not secure
- stores everything in memory
- automatically `unsealed
- root token can be specified before launching
- never actually store real secrets in dev mode
used in QA and production
Common Commands
vault server -dev -dev-root-token-id=root
start vault in dev mode with root use named rootvault status
basic meta data about servervault login
login to vaultvault kv put secret/foo bar=baz
put the kv (bar=baz) in the path (secret/foo)vault kv get secret/foo
read metadata and the recent version of the secretvault kv delete secret/foo
dekete a key from vaualtvault kv undelete -versions=2 secret/foo
undelete a secret
Vault Architecture - Interals
- Core
- Storage Backend
- Barrier
Seal and Unseal Concept
- vault starts up in a
sealed state
- vault can access the physical storage, but can't decrypt it
- no operations are possible with vault exept to
the vault and check thestatus
if the vault vault data is
encryptedusing the
encryption keyin the
keyring`- the keyring is encrypted by the
master key
- and the
master key
is encrypted by theunseal key
- shamir is the
mechanism tosplit
the key into shards - a certain
of shards is required to reconstruct the unseal key vault operator unseal
command to unsealvault operator seal
command to seal the vault- sealing removes the master key in memory an requires another unseal prcoess to restore it
- sealing requires a
operator with `root privileges -
once a vault node is unsealed, it remains unsealed until
- it is resealed via the api
- the server is resetarted
- vaults storage layer encounters an unrecoverable error
Auto unseal
reduces the operational complexity of keeping the unseal key secure - delegates the responsibility of securing the unseal key from
to atrusted device or service
' -
at startup vault will connect to the device or service implementing the seal and ask it to
the master key vault read from storage -
initialization with shamir -> unseal keys
- initialization with auto unseal -> recovery keys
The Configuration File
Running a vault server in prod
mode involves multiple steps:
- specify the configuration in a configuration file
- can be JSON or HCL
- start the server
- initialize the server to get unseal keys and an initial root token
unseal the vault server with the unseal keys
vault server -config=./vault-config.hcl
to runa production server
Authentication Overview
- authenticate to a specific path
- Once authenticated, vault returns a
and apolicy
- token has a time to live, allow user to extract secrets from vault
- the policy lets vault know what you allowed to use
Types of Auth Moethds
Methods for Users
- userpass
- github
- Okta
Methods for Applications
- AppRoles
- Azure
- Google Cloud
- AliCloud
- Kubernetes
most vault auth methods need to explicitly enabled
- this is done with
vault auth enable
command - each auth method has a default path
- alternate paths can be specified to enable multiple instances
- custom paths must be specified in CLI commands and API calls
Policies Overview
Vault uses policies to : - govern the behaviour of clients - instrument role based access control by specifying access priviledges with least priviledged principle - authorization to access secrets - deny by default
Built-in Poliies:
default policy
- can't be removed but can be modified
- attached to all tokens
- can be explicitly excluded at token creation time
vault token create -no-default-policy
- allows basic functionality such as letting the token look up data about itself and use its cubbyhole data
root policy
- can't be removed nor modified
- aany user associated with this policy becomes a root user
- best practice to revoke root tokens in production
vault token revoke <token>
- one is created to allow root user to do the initial configuration, therafter initial root token should be revoked and more strictly controlled usersand authentication should be used
Token Overview
- tokens are the core metod for authentication within vault
- tokens can be used directly or dynamically generated by the auth methods
- clients need valid tokens to interact with vault
The Token Store
- same as the
token authentication backend
- responsible for creating and storing tokens
- can't be disabled
- only auth method with no login capability
- built-in and automatically available at path
- you can create tokens directly and bypass other auth methods
Secrets Engine Overview
- the component of the vault architecture that manages secrets
- store, generate, and encrypt data
- enabled at a path
- flexible and pluggable
Multiple functions - store and read data - connect to external services and generate dynamic credentials on demand - provide encryption as a service - one time password generation - certificates
Life Cycle
- enable
at a given path,
- by default they are enabled at their "type" (aws enables at aws/)
- disable
- when a secrets engine is disabled, all of its secrets are revoked
- all the data stored for that engine in the physical storage layer is deleted
- move
- move the path for an existing secrets engine
- reokves all secrets, since secret leases are tied to the path they were created at
- configuration data stored for the engine persists through the move
- Tune
- tunes global configuration for secrets engine such as TTLs
vault secrets list
list all enabled eginesvault secrets enable database
enable a new secrets engine
Replication Design with DR and PR
performance replication clusters
are active services put in different regions- no dynamic secreets, leases, or tokens get replicated across
- static kv secrets engine is replicaated
disaster revovery replication clusters
are warm standbys- receive data from their respective primary data clusters
- everything gets replicated
- manually promote if primary fails
Vault Agent Overview
- a
client daemon
that uses the same vault binary - ussed to easily adopt vault without making code changes in your apps
What is does: - authentication into vault (Auto-Auth) - manage the token renewal process (Auto-Auth) - client side caching of tokens and leased secrets / dynamic secrets (caching) - templating which allows dropping serets into a config file following your desired format
vault agent -config=/etc/vault/agent-config.hcl