Shell Scripting
A shell script is a file containing a series of commands. The shell reads the file and carries out the commands as if they have been entered directly on the command line.
How to Write a Shell Script
- Write a script. Shell scripts are ordinary files, so they are made with a text editor. Preferably with syntax highlightin.
- Make the script executable.
- Put the script somewhere the shell can find i
Script file format
# This is out first script
echo 'Hello World!'
Executable Permission
chmod 755 hello_world
Script File Location
With the permissions set, we can now execute our script. For the script to run, we must precede the script name with an explicit path.
export PATH=~/bin:"$PATH"
Good Locations for Scripts
- personal use: ~/bin
- everyone: ~/usr/local/bin
- sys admin: ~/usr/local/sbin
More Formatting Tricks
- If a command has both long and short option, use the short option
- If command is long, readability can be enhanced by spreading it over several lines and indenting
- Using line continuation backslash \
variables and constants
variables are mutable, constants are immutable
: no spaces in-between name of variable and its value
: CONSTANTS in al caps, if you want to enforce immutability, must make it read only. declare -r CONSTANT=VALUE
parameter expansion
- Use
parameter expansion
if a variable is going be used more than once in a filename="yemane" echo="This is ${name} using path expansion twice with variable ${name}"
Here Document
In the format of ...
command << _EOF_
Shell Functions
Shell functions are "mini-scripts" that are located inside other scripts and can act as autonomous programs.
# formal form
function name {
# simpler and preferred form
name () {
function step2 {
echo "Step 2"
return 0 # shell functions can return an exit status by including an integer argument to the return command
# Main program starts here
echo "Step 1"
echo "Step 2"
Local Variables
- Global variables are available throughout the the programm
- Local variables are accessible only within the shell function they are defined in
foo=0 # global variable foo
func () {
local foo # variable foo local to func
echo "funct_1: foo = $foo"
echo "global: foo = $foo"
If Statement
if ["$x" -eq 5]; then # quotes ensure it is always a string, avoiding errors
echo "x equals 5"
echo "x does not equal 5"
The test command performs a variety of checks and comparisons. It has two equivalent expression. It returns an exit status of 0 if true, and 1 if false. - test expression - [expression]
Compound command - [[expression]] - string1 =~ regex ; adds regex support
(( ))—Designed for Integers
(( )) is used to perform arithmetic truth tests.
Combining Expressions
Operation | test | [[ ]] and (( )) |
AND | -a | && |
OR | -o | || |
NOT | ! | ! |
### Control Operators: Another Way to Branch | ||
bash provides two control operators that can perform branching. The && | ||
(AND) and | (OR) operators work like the logical operators in the [[ ]] compound command. |
- With the && operator, command1 is executed, and command2 is executed if, and only if, command1 is successful.
- With the || operator, command1 is executed and command2 is executed if, and only if, command1 is unsuccessful
Reading Keyboard Input
- read assigns fields from standard input to the specified variables.
read [-options] [variable...]
echo -n "Enter one or more values > "
read var1 var2
echo "var1 = '$var1'"
echo "var2 = '$var2'"
- an excessive amount of input results in the final variable containing all of the extra input
- - If no variable name is supplied, the shell variable REPLY contains the line of data.
Option | Description |
-a | array Assign the input to array, starting with index zero. |
-d | delimiter The first character in the string delimiter is used to indicate the end of input, rather than a newline character. |
-e | Use Readline to handle input. This permits input editing in the same manner as the command line. |
-i | string Use string as a default reply if the user simply presses enter. Requires the -e option. |
-n | num Read num characters of input, rather than an entire line. |
-p | prompt Display a prompt for input using the string prompt. |
-r | Raw mode. Do not interpret backslash characters as escapes. |
-s | Silent mode. Do not echo characters to the display as they are typed. This is useful when inputting passwords and other confidential information. |
-t | seconds Timeout. Terminate input after seconds. read returns a non-zero exit status if an input times out. |
-u | fd Use input from file descriptor fd, rather than standard input. |
- shell normally performs word splitting using white spaces
- behavior is configured by shell variable IFS
# read-menu: a menu driven system information program
echo "
Please Select:
1. Display System Information
2. Display Disk Space
3. Display Home Space Utilization
0. Quit
read -p "Enter selection [0-3] > "
echo "You have chosen $REPLY"
while loop
while commands; do commands; done
# while-count: display a series of numbers
while [[ "$count" -le 5 ]]; do
echo "$count"
count=$((count + 1))
echo "Finished."
until loop
# until-count: display a series of numbers
until [[ "$count" -gt 5 ]]; do
echo "$count"
count=$((count + 1))
echo "Finished."
case word in
[pattern [| pattern]...) commands ;;]...
Pattern | Description |
a) | Matches if word equals a. |
[[:alpha:]]) | Matches if word is a single alphabetic character. |
???) | Matches if word is exactly three characters long. |
*.txt) | Matches if word ends with the characters .txt. |
*) | Matches any value of word. |
- can also use | to combine patterns as an
conditional - add the
notation to terminate each action to enable performing multiple actions
# case4-2: test a character
read -n 1 -p "Type a character > "
case "$REPLY" in
[[:upper:]]) echo "'$REPLY' is upper case." ;;&
[[:lower:]]) echo "'$REPLY' is lower case." ;;&
[[:alpha:]]) echo "'$REPLY' is alphabetic." ;;&
[[:digit:]]) echo "'$REPLY' is a digit." ;;&
[[:graph:]]) echo "'$REPLY' is a visible character." ;;&
[[:punct:]]) echo "'$REPLY' is a punctuation symbol." ;;&
[[:space:]]) echo "'$REPLY' is a whitespace character." ;;&
[[:xdigit:]]) echo "'$REPLY' is a hexadecimal digit." ;;&
for loops
traditional shell form
for variable [in words]; do commands done
#!/bin/bash for i in 0 1 2 3 4; do echo "$i" done
C Language form
for (( expression1; expression2; expression3 )); do commands done
# simple_counter: demo of C style for command
for (( i=0; i<5; i=i+1 )); do
echo $i
- expression1 initializes the variable i
- expression2 sets the condition for loop to run until
- expression3 increments the value of i by 1 each time the loop repeats
Positional Parameters
- The shell provides a set of variables called positional parameters that contain the individual words on the command line. The variables are named 0 through 9.
- 0 is script name
- can be accessed like $0 $1 $2 etc.
- determine number of arguments:
- to access many arguments use
- cause each parameter to "move down one" each time it is executed
# posit-param2: script to display all arguments
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
echo "Argument $count = $1"
count=$((count + 1))
Parameter Expansion
- Expansions to Manage Empty Variables
- expansion with defaults to manage empty variables
- expansion with defaults to manage empty variables and assign default value to parameter if used
- exit with an error if parameter is unset
- expand to default if parameter exists, else return nothing
Expansions That Return Variable Names
- to return the names of variables
String Operations
- expand into length of string contained in parameter
- getting a slice of a string
- remove portion of string matching a pattern
- a search-and-replace operation
Case Conversion
- using
force a variable to always contain the desired format declare -u upper
declare -l lower
Arithmetic Evaluation and Expansion
Operator | Description |
+ | Addition |
- | Subtraction |
* | Multiplication |
/ | Integer division |
** | Exponentiation |
% | Modulo (remainder) |
Notation | Description |
parameter = value | Simple assignment. |
parameter += value | parameter = parameter + value. |
parameter++ | parameter = parameter + 1 |
Operator | Description |
<= | Less than or equal to. |
>= | Greater than or equal to. |
< | Less than. |
> | Greater than. |
== | Equal to. |
!= | Not equal to. |
&& | Logical AND. |
|| |
Logical OR. |
expr1?expr2:expr3 | If expr1 then expr2; else expr3 |
Limited to one dimension
- single value: name[subscript]=value
- multiple values: name=(value1 value2 ...)
- subscript @
can be used to access every element in an array
- number of array elements: o ${#a[@]}
- find subscript used in array: ${!array[@]}
- appending to an array: array+=value
- delete an array: unset array
- sort an array : ($(for i in "${a[@]}"; do echo $i; done | sort))
- Associative arrays (string indexes): array["string"]=value
- Syntactic Errors
- Missing Quotes
- Missing or Unexpected Tokens
- Unanticipated Expansions
- Logical Errors
- Incorrect conditional expressions
- “Off by one” errors
- Unanticipated situations.
Defensive Programming
- Important to verify assumptions when programming, like whether a directory exists before using
Verifying Input
- A general rule of good programming is that if a program accepts input, it must be able to deal with anything it receives.
- To perform useful testing, it’s important to develop and apply good test cases.
- This is done by carefully choosing input data or operating conditions that reflect edge and corner cases.
- find problem area by commenting out sections
- use informative echo messages to trace the flow of program
- examine values during execution using echo