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04 cluster maintenance


Concept Explanation
Drain Draining a node in Kubernetes involves gracefully evicting pods from the node, preparing it for maintenance or decommissioning.
Cordon Cordoning a node in Kubernetes prevents new pods from being scheduled onto the node. Existing pods continue to run.
Uncordon Uncordoning a node in Kubernetes allows new pods to be scheduled onto the node after it was previously cordoned.
Backup and Restore Backup and restore in Kubernetes can be performed from configuration files or directly from etcd, the key-value store.
Export ETCDCTL_API=3 Sets the environment variable to specify the etcdctl API version (version 3 in this case).
etcdctl snapshot save etcdctl command to create a snapshot of the etcd key-value store, capturing the current state for backup or migration.
etcdctl snapshot restore etcdctl command to restore the etcd key-value store from a previously created snapshot.
etcd needs cacert, cert, endpoints, key etcd requires certain parameters for secure communication: CA certificate (--cacert), client certificate (--cert), --endpoints, and client key (--key).


  • restoring from etcd server
  • create a snapshot
  • restore a snapshot to a folder
  • update etcd service data-dir to use new folder