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  1. Implement http.Handler to create web servers
  2. http.HandlerFunc turns ordinary functions into http.Handlers
  3. Use httptest.NewRecorder to pass in as a ResponseWriter to let you spy on the responses your handler sends
  4. Use http.NewRequest to construct the requests you expect to come in to your system
  5. Using interfaces and mocking allows your to start coding in small steps. Because you don't need to create large requirements (like a db) and focus on the logic.
  6. TDD to drive out the interfaces you need
  7. use http.NewServeMux() for routing
  8. use Type embeddingto compose new structs or interfaces. Should only expose what's appropriate
  9. use encoding/json to serialize and deserialize json
  10. Seeker interface to go to beginning of file
  11. sort.Slice for sorting slices
  12. os.File to handle files, Truncate to change size of file
  13. os.Stdin and bufio.Scanner to read from standard input
  14. test using mypackage_test package name to see how others use your code
  15. export test helpers and stubs to make them easier to use and allow others importing the code easier ways to test
  16. update package structure to include folders for each separate application. reuse domain code by importing module
  17. time.Afterfunc: scheduling a function call after a specific duration
  18. time.After(duration): returns a chan Time when the duration has expired. So if you wish to do something after a specific time, this can help.
  19. time.NewTicker(duration): returns a Ticker which is similar to the above in that it returns a channel but this one "ticks" every duration, rather than just once. This is very handy if you want to execute some code every N duration.
  20. separation of concerns: separate the responsibilities of dealing with user input and responses away from domain code
  21. messy tests
    1. If your tests look messy try and refactor them
    2. If you've done this and they're still a mess it is very likely pointing to a flaw in your design
  22. function implementing an interface:
    1. When you define an interface with one method in it you might want to consider defining a MyInterfaceFunc type to complement it so users can implement your interface with just a function.
    2. In Go you can add methods to types, not just structs. This is a very powerful feature, and you can use it to implement interfaces in more convenient ways.
  23. user helper functions to retry assertions and add timeouts
  24. use go routines to ensure the assertions don't block anything and then use channels to let them signal that they have finished, or not