Secrets Manager
designed for secrets
- password, API keys
- usable via console, cli, api, sdk
supports automatic rotation
- using lambda
- directly integrates with some aws products
encrypted at rest
with KMS
WAF & Shield
provides aws resources with DDoS protection
layer 3 and layer 4 DDoS protection
- packets, segments, ips, ports, sessions
- free with R53 and cloudfront
- $3000p/m
- EC2, ELB, CloudFront, Global Accelerator, R53
- DDoS Response team & financial insurance for attacks
Web Application Firewall (WAF)
layer 7 (HTTP/s) firewall
- can identify normal and abnormal requests : protocol specific attacks
- can see unencrypted HTTP plaintext data
- inspect and block, replace, or tag data at L7
- identify, block, adjust specific applications
- SQL injections, cross-site scripting, geo blacks, rate awareness
Web Access Control Lists (WEBACL)
- integrated with ALB, API Gateway, CloudFront
- default action : allow or blockt
waf rules
- added to WEBACL, and are evaluated when traffic arrives
- Type : how it works
- Regular : if something occurs
- Rate-Based
- Statement : whats matched or count
- criteria : origin country, IP, headers, cookies, http method, url path, query string, body (first
bytes) - single, AND, OR, NOT
- Action : What it does
- Allow, Block, Count, Captcha
- custom response
- block : custom response/header
- allow/counts/captcha : custom header only
- customer-header
- x-amzn-waf
- means application itself can react to traffic that has been matched
- internal to waf
- can be referenced later in same WEBACL
- multi-stage flows
- used with count/captcha
- allow/block stop processing
rule groups
- contain rules
- don't have default actions
- managed by aws or marketplace, you, service (Shield & Firewall Manager)
- can be referenced by multiple WEBACLs
- resource type : cloudfront or regional service
- WEBACL Capacity Units (WCU)
- indication of complexity of rules
- default max 1500
- adjusting WEBACL takes less time than associating one
- resource can have on WEBACL which can be associated with many resources
- can use eventbridge scheduled rules + lambda ip list parser to block bad actors
- can be directed to S3 (5min), cloudwatch logs, or kinesis firehose
- lambda event driven processing of logs to get insights to automatically update rules
- monthly per WEBACL
- monthly per rule/rule group on WEBACL
- monthly per million requests per WEBACL
- bot control monthly and per requests
- captcha per 1000s
- fraud control/account takeover per month and logins attempts
- marketplace rule groups
- similar to KMS
- single tenant hardware security module (HSM)
- provisioned by aws
- aws has no access to parts where keys are stored
- fully customer managed
- Compliance (FIPS)
- HSM : FIPS 140-2 Level 3
- KMS : FIPS 140-2 Level 2
- HMS : industry standard apis
- PKCS#11, JCE, CryptoNG
- KMS : aws standard apis/iam
- KMS can use CloudHSM as a custom key stor
- architecture
- deployed into an aws managed vpc
- runs in 1 AZ
- HA : create cluster with an HSM in each AZ being used
- HSM keep keys and policies in sync when nodes are added or removed
- ENI for each HSM in cluster is injected to customer VPC
CloudHSM client is required to communicate with the HSM
- no native aws integration eg) S3
- can be used to offload SSL/TLS processing for web servers
- enable transparent data encryption (TDE) for oracle databases
- protect private keys for an issuing certificate authority
record configuration changes over time on resources
- auditing of changes, compliance with standards
- does not prevent changes happening
- regional service
- supports cross-region and cross account aggregation
- changes can generate SNS notifications and near-realtime events via EventBridge and Lambda
- stores data in s3 config bucket
- standard
- configuration of all supported resources are tracked
- configuration item is created when a change occurs
- all configuration items for a resource(known configuration history) are stored in s3
config rules
aws managed or custom
- evaluates resources against a defined standard
- resources are compliant or non-compliant
- custom rules use lambda for evaluation
- can integrate with ssm to fix configuration of instances
- data security and data privacy service
discover, monitor, and protect data that is stored in s3 buckets
- automated discovery of data
- personally identifiable information (
) - personal health information (
) - Finance
managed data identifiers
- built in
- find almost all common sensitive data
custom data identifiers
- proprietary
- regex
: optional sequences that need to be in proximity to regex matchmaximum match distance
ignore words
: if regex match contains ignore words, it's ignoredintegration
- pass finding events to EventBridge
- via aws orgs or macie account inviting
policy findings
- when policy or settings change for s3 bucket that reduces security
- after macie is enabled
sensitive data
- 1 or more s3 buckets
- create
discover job
in macie- which buckets to analyze
: when and how frequently it runs- use identifiers to look for matches (
scans EC2 instance and the instance OS
- also containers
checks for vulnerabilities and deviations against best practice
- provides a report of findings ordered by priority
network assessment
- agentless
network & host assessment
- uses agent
rules packages
- determine what is checked
network reachability
- checks end-to-end
- ec2, alb, dx etc.
- findings
- RecognizedPortWithListener
- RecognizedPortNoListener
- RecognizedPortNoAgent
- UnrecognizedPortWithListener
common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE)
center for internet security (CIS) benchmarks
security best practices for amazon inspector
security monitoring service- identify unexpected and unauthorized activities
- can integrated with eventbridge to notify or start event driven protection/remediation
- support multiple accounts
- supports data sources
- dns logs, vpc flow logs, cloudtrail event logs, cloudtrail management events, cloudtrail s3 data events