CloudFormation Physical & Logical Resources
- cloudformation template : YAML or JSON
- used to create stacks
- logical resource : what to create
- can be reference / queried once create is in complete status
- Stack
- create physical resources from the logical
- if stacks template changes, then physical resources are also changed
Template and Pseudo Parameters
template parameters
- accept input via console/cli/api
- can be referenced from within logical resources
- influence the physical resources
- Options
- Defaults, AllowedValues, Min/Max length, AllowedPatterns, NoEcho, Type
Type: String
Default: t3.micro
- t3.micro
- t3.medium
- t3.large
Description: Pick a supported instance type
psuedo parameter
- made available by aws, can be referenced without being defined
Intrinsic Functions
- reference parameter value or logical resource physical ID
- get attribute associated with a resource
- like publicIP
- join and split strings
- get list of Azs where default vpc has subnets in
- select one element from a list
Conditions (F::)
- accepts non encoded text, and outputs encoded text
- substitute things with text base on runtime information
- generate a list of smaller cidr ranges for subnets from a larger vpc
- Fn::ImportValue, Fn::Transform
- optional
- contain mappings of keys to values
- allow lookups
- can have a key, or Top & Second Level
- Fn::FindInMap intrinsic function to retrieve values in a map.
- optional
- values can be declared in this section
- accessible from parent stack when using nesting
- can be exported, allowing cross stack references
- created in optional Conditions section of template
- evaluated to true or false
- before resources are created
- use intrinsic functions AND, EQUALS, IF, NOT, OR
- associated with logical resources to control if they are created or nota
- can be nested
- establish formal dependencies between resources
- cloudformation tries to automatically understand dependencies using references or functions used in the template
- can specify list of resources to define multiple dependencies
- example : make elastic ip depend on internet gateway, since an igw is needed to create an eip
Wait Conditions, Creation Policy & cfn-signal
utility running on the instance that sends message back to cloudformation
configure cloudformation to wait for certain number of success signals
- timeout H:M:S for those signals (12hr max)
- failure : failure signal or timeout before getting all signals
creation policy
- generally used for ec2 instances or autoscaling groups
create endpoint that can be signaled to indicate when instance is really in created state
wait condition
- for general progress gate
- its own logical resource, not defined in an existing one
- can depend on other resources, and vice versa
generate presigned url
for resource signalscan get response
- response can be accessed elsewhere in the template
Nested Stacks
root / parent
stack- has nested stacks
- can have a
cloudformation as a resource
- require a url to the template
- must pass parameters
- root stack
can reference outputs of nested stacks
- break up stack into modular templates allows you to
reuse templates
lifecycle linked
overcome 500 resource limit of one stack
Cross-Stack References
- cloudformation stack are designed to be isolated and self-contained
- outputs can be exported, making them visible to other stacks
- exports must have a unique name in the region
- Fn::ImportValue used to reference export values
- when you want to reuse resources
- different life-cycles
- deploy cfn stacks across many accounts & regions
- StackSets
- containers in an admin account
- contain stack instances which reference a stack
- Stack instances and stacks
- in target accounts
- each stack = 1 region 1 account
- workflow
- permission granted via self-managed or service-managed roles AWS ORG
- StackSets gain access to target accounts and create stack instances followed by the stacks themselves
- Concurrent Accounts
- how many accounts can be deployed into
- more concurrent accounts the faster resources are deployed
- Failure Tolerance
- amount of individual deployments can fail, before the stack set is considered a fail
- Retain Stacks
- remove stack instances but retain the stacks
- Scenario:
- Enable AWS Config across many accounts
- Create AWS Config Rules : MFA, EIPS, EBS Encryption
- Create IAM Roles for cross-account access at scale
Deletion Policy
- if you delete a logical resource from a template
- by default the physical resource is deleted
- this can cause data loss
- deletion policy can be defined on each resource
- Delete : Default
- Retain : physical resource will not be deleted if logical resource is
- Snapshots : snapshot of resource before it is deleted
- supports : EBS Volume, ElastiCache, Neptune, RDS, Redshift
- snapshot live past stack lifetime
- Only apply to delete, not replace
Stack Roles
- by default cfn uses the permissions of the logged in identity
- mean you need the permissions for aws
- cfn can assume a role to gain the permissions
- allows for role separation
- identity creating the stack doesn't need resource permissions, only needs PassRole to cfn
- identity also needs the permissions to create, update, delete stacks
- simple configuration management system
- runs during bootstrapping
- configuration directives stored in template
- AWS::CloudFormation::Init part of logical resource
- config key : containers of configuration directives
- configSets
- group of config keys
- define which config keys to use and in what order
- user data vs cfn-init
- User data : HOW: procedural
- cfn-init : WHAT : desired state
- cfn-init helper script
- installed on ec2 os
- workflow:
- template has ec2 resource with cloudformation init in metadata
- cfn-init helper tool works in userdata
- gets data from stack
- cfn-init only runs once
- cfn-hup helper is a daemon that is installed an runs on the instance
- chfn-hup detects changes in resource metadata
- run configurable actions when a change is detected
- re-runs cfn-init
- usual flows:
- template -> stack -> create physical resources
- delete stack -> delete physical resources
- update template -> update stack -> resources change
- no interruption, some interruption, replacement
- Change Sets let you preview changes
Custom Resources
- cloudformation doesn't support everything
- custom resources let cfn integrate with anything it doesn't yet
- passes data to something, gets data back to something