DNS 101
- a discover service
- finds the IP address for a given domain name
- huge and distributed
- DNS Root Servers ran by 12 large organizations
- DNS Root Zone managed by IANA
a registry is an organization to maintains the zones for top level domains
DNS Client
: software on device being used Resolver
: software on device or server that queries DNS on your behalfZone
: a part of the DNS databaseZonefile
: physical database for a zoneNameserver
: where zonefiles are hosted
Getting the IP:
Client ->> DNS Root Servers: amazon.com
DNS Root Servers ->> Client : Go to top-level-domain server (.com) server
Client ->> top-level-domain server (.com) server: amazon.com
.com server ->> Client : go to nameserver
Client -->> name server: amazon.com
name server -->> Client : Here is the IP address
DNS Record Types
Nameserver (NS)
- enable delegation end to end
root zone --> TLD zone --> domain zone
A and AAAA Records
- map host names to IP
- A maps to IPv4
- AAAA maps to IPv6
Canonical Name (CNAME) Records
When a specific server performs multiple services: - create multiple names and point them to the same A server record - so they point the same IP - can't point to IP address only to names
MX Records
- used to find mail servers for a specific domain
TXT Records
- used to prove domain ownership
- and detecting spam
Time To Live TTL
- how long a result is cached at a resolver server (probably ISP)
- used for quicker access